From a journal entry written two years ago, during my long journey to Benaras

These sights roll by fast. Close mountains and clean ponds.
These hills cut in shapes so tricky. One half illuminated by the falling sun and the other in the cooling shadow.
A spread of trees and virgin shades. This isolated nature beckons. How I wish this train would stop and let me explore for a day or two, this complete solitude and the lonely woods.
Parallel rays of light tumbles out from the openings of huge dark clouds.
My tired eyes find solace in these passing heavens.
A couple of wanderers here and there. How long for them to reach home?
How long for me.


Took a day off
A family reunion
Old and new cousins
Aunts with their new tales
Uncles with their money making adventures
Sleeping in the afternoon
Remembering the Ramayan days
Innumerable guests and two days of constant noise
Chants and hymns for the big people and all nighters of ghost stories and gossip for us
Falling in love and getting away with it
What fun!

i am

old and sick and blind and tired and miserable and hopeless and faithless and dying and dark


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