Part 1

She stepped on the pedal, Ryan’s school must have left by now. Damn this traffic, she cursed. Making her five year old son wait was not a happy thought. Leslie wondered why she had gone to meet Jake. She could have been returning home with Ryan.
I have a comfortable life; a good husband, a job that pays well, a beautiful child. Why am I not happy then? Most women crave the life I am living. Even I had once prayed for this existence. And now when my prayers are answered, I am changing them. Do not be greedy, she reminded herself. Learn to be satisfied.
She and Jake had lived together while they were in college. She remembered those days, her memories colored with a hint of melancholy. How completely she had believed in their love. And Jake too. They had promised to get married, had thought of a house to buy, and a car too.


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